Stay tuned for the latest news and events regarding the LIFE ADAPTA BLUES project.
LIFE Adaptablues Project Releases Layman Report in Five Languages
The LIFE Adaptablues project has recently published its Layman Report in five different languages, making its findings and recommendations accessible to a broader audience. This comprehensive report highlights the project’s efforts in promoting climate change [...]
Paper about the historical baseline for flat oyster reefs in Europe
A new article on the evolution of oyster reefs in Europe has been published with the collaboration of the LIFE AdaptaBlues project. Based on documents from the 18th and 19th Centuries, the study reveals [...]
LIFE AdaptaBlues Closing Meeting
This Wednesday 24 July, the LIFE AdaptaBlues project will have its final day. This public event will present the main results of the project, highlighting the important role of estuarine ecosystem conservation as an element [...]
Published at Quercus magazine “El estuario de Oyambre: un laboratorio vivo en el litoral cantábrico”
Quercus magazine has published an article entitled “The Oyambre estuary: a living laboratory in the Cantabrian coast”, written by researchers of the LIFE AdaptaBlues project. This article highlights the ecological importance of the Oyambre [...]
We share our expertise with Portuguese professionals and managers at our workshop in Coimbra.
A technical workshop was held in the Coimbra region to disseminate the knowledge generated by the LIFE AdaptaBlues project in the Mondego estuary to local and regional stakeholders. The main goal of this workshop [...]
The project has started its workshops to disseminate the knowledge generated.
A technical workshop was held in Santander (Cantabria) to share and transfer the knowledge generated during the LIFE AdaptaBlues project to managers and society. The workshop aimed to present the main results regarding the [...]
The postgraduate contest already has a winner
Isabel Gallego wins first place with her work about the adaptation of the Santander Bay (Cantabria) through the implementation of a saltmarsh monitoring system. Isabel will have the opportunity to present her work in [...]
The restoration actions in the Mondego estuary has begun
The construction works began by the construction of wooden barriers aiming the reduction of the ebbing velocity in the pilot site. On the other hand, the saltmarsh transplantation concluded its [...]
Paper about the drivers of variability in soil Corg deposits and burial rates in European estuarine ecosystems
With the support of the LIFE AdaptaBlues project, we have published a new paper about the drivers of variability in soil Corg deposits and burial rates in European estuarine ecosystems, which could be defined [...]
The publication of catalogues of climate change adaptation measures is a valuable tool to help governments, businesses and communities prepare for the impacts of climate change. These catalogues provide practical guidance on adaptation measures [...]
Visit of the NEEMO Team to the LIFE Adaptabues Project
This past 2nd of March we received the annual visit of our NEEMO team supervisor to analyse the evolution of the LIFE AdaptaBlues project. The different partners of the project had the opportunity to [...]
A new paper about the impact of the coastal engineering infrastructure on the blue carbon habitats have been published.
Based on the data of the AdaptaBlues Life project, this paper contributes to increase the knowledge on the impact that the construction in coastal areas of civil engineering infrastructures can cause in intertidal habitats distribution [...]
The LIFE AdaptaBlues project launches its second contest “Adaptation to the Climate Change in estuarine environments”
The LIFE AdaptaBlues project launches its second contest “Adaptation to the Climate Change in estuarine environments” The contest, which is open to all postgraduate students, aims to rise social awareness among young people [...]
We´ve presented the online platform to share experiences and increase the body of knwoledge on NbS
Nature offers a powerful set of tools for addressing hazards like flooding and erosion. Nature-based solutions use natural systems, mimic natural processes, or work in tandem with traditional approaches to address these specific hazards. [...]
ECSA59 International Conference (San Sebastian, September 2022).
The results of the analysis of How the past saltmarsh restoration actions in the Iberian Peninsula increased the protection in coastal areas have been shown at the ECSA59 International Conference (San Sebastian, September 2022). ECSA [...]
The article “Nature-Based Solutions in Coastal and Estuarine Areas of Europe” was published.
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are an opportunity to align environmental and climate resilience objectives. The momentum for these sustainable solutions for coastal protection is growing because of the urgent need to avoid further biodiversity loss and [...]
Presented our spatial data viewer for the estuaries.
Estuaries are among the most biologically productive and economically important ecosystems in the world. They provide habitat for numerous species of fish, birds, and other wildlife, while also serving as ports and centers of [...]
Geo Database
Cantabria Portugal Zeeland
TNC seeks an analyst for nature-based solutions case studies and risk financing
The Nature Conservancy, a partner in this project, is seeking to hire, as an external contractor, a consultant to analyse nature-based solutions and risk financing.The main objective of this consultancy is to support The [...]
Distribution of habitats in the study sites
Bahía Santander Mondego Oyambre Santoña Westershelde [...]
TNC seeks an analyst for nature-based solutions case studies and risk financing
The Nature Conservancy, a partner in this project, is seeking to hire, as an external contractor, a consultant to analyse nature-based solutions and risk financing.The main objective of this consultancy is to support The [...]
The project makes public the explanatory video
The project makes public the explanatory video The LIFE Adapta Blues project, a European project coordinated by IHCantabria and co-financed by the European Union’s LIFE program, presents the animation video [...]
Life Adaptablues project goals aim to take advantage of the management and restoration of EVEs to increase adaptation…
Life Adaptablues project goals aim to take advantage of the management and restoration of EVEs to increase adaptation to climate change in coastal areas of the European Atlantic.
Estuary Ecosystems can increase adaptation to climate change…
Estuary Ecosystems can increase adaptation to climate change in coastal areas by promoting community support, helping to improve services such as fishing.
In the fight against climate change there are two strategies…
In the fight against climate change there are two strategies: • Mitigation is to reduce the causes of climate change. Its goal is to avoid human interference in the climate and allow ecosystems to adapt [...]
The LIFE Adaptablues project has vegetated estuary ecosystems (EVE) to reduce the impact of climate change on coastal areas.
The LIFE Adaptablues project has vegetated estuary ecosystems (EVE) to reduce the impact of climate change on coastal areas. However, European estuaries are threatened by factors of human origin. ➡️ Land reclamation ➡️ Eutrophication ➡️ Propagation of invasive [...]
Traditional coastal defenses, so far, have consisted of constructions such as dikes or breakwaters but…
Traditional coastal defenses, so far, have consisted of constructions such as dikes or breakwaters. Now, coastal managers around the world are considering alternatives that take advantage of processes and species natural resources contributed by coastal [...]
Did you know that in Europe one in five people live ten kilometers or less from the coast?
Did you know that in Europe one in five people live ten kilometers or less from the coast? Many areas with high population density are built below sea level. Therefore, the expected effects of climate [...]
You’ve heard a lot about Climate Change, but what is it?
You've heard a lot about Climate Change, but what is it? It is the main threat of our times, as evidenced by different evidences. Places around the world currently experience temperature increases, extreme weather events, [...]
The Life Adaptablues project is based on studying how to take advantage of solutions based on nature
The Life Adaptablues project is based on studying how to take advantage of solutions based on nature and natural resources as an alternative to coastal defense strategies.
Standardize procedures for the evaluation of Climate Services
The LIFE Adaptablues Project has 5 main objectives, one of them is to standardize the procedures for the evaluation of the Climate Services provided by the estuarine ecosystems.
The Adapta Blues Project works to counteract the effects of temperature rise
2019 is one of the years in which the temperature has risen most, which will increase the global temperature of the planet and sea level #COP25. European coasts and estuaries will suffer. The AdaptaBlues Project [...]
The Climate Summit # COP25
The Climate Summit COP25 is making visible the problems of Climatic Change and from Life Adaptablues we contribute our grain of sand to #mitigar and alleviate its main effects on the European coast @LIFEProgramme.
The Life Program is the European driving force of ADAPTA BLUES
It catalyzes changes in the development and application of environmental policies, aimed at achieving environmental and climate objectives.
Climate Change in Europe is everyone’s business
Climate Change in Europe is everyone's business. Sustainable management and estuarine action are tools to fight against this change. This is the synthesis of the LIFE Adaptablues Project that has just started. (
The LIFE Adaptablues project already has its operational website
The LIFE Adaptablues project already has its operational website: Sustainable management and restoration of estuaries are the protagonists.
The ADAPTA BLUES project presents its brochure
The ADAPTA BLUES project already has a brochure to show the problem targeted by the project and its goals. The brochure is available at the four languages of the project: English, Spanish, German and [...]
The ADAPTA BLUES preparatory actions are in progress
The analysis of the climate change ecosystem services provided by estuarine communities started last summer. Field works to quantify the carbon sequestration have been developed in different estuarine areas. For each estuarine representative habitat, [...]
The ADAPTA BLUES project kick off meeting was held in Santander
The ADAPTA BLUES project was formally launched on September, 30th, in the kick off meeting held in Santander with the presentation of the four partners (IHCantabria, IPLeiria, TNC Europe and Figueira da Foz Council). The [...]